⦿ inner balance vs external achievements
the innner unchanging real you vs the outer changing world!
yogi dhruvaji - 40 years of yoga - antistress foundation 501(c)(3)
ॐ thrive in life with his enlightened wisdom ॐ
the innner unchanging real you vs the outer changing world!
technical analysis of the energy centers in the body.
identify if your pineal gland is not functional optimally!
consciously controlled, gradual, step-by-step released, slow, and long exhalation is a boon for relaxation, stress-relief, insomnia, focus, deep meditation, and your life span!
the state of hypnagogia on waking is the golden time for visualizing in meditation.
the neural circuits that underlie mental imagery involve a complex interplay between various brain regions, including the visual cortex, parietal cortex, prefrontal cortex, and limbic system.
the mind is everything. What you think you become!
visualizing in meditation is a powerful technique that involves using mental images to influence the way we think, feel, and behave!
you would’ve never guessed how much visualization is important in your life!
humming like a bee repairs dna, stimulates cellular regeneration, and activates a state of vibrational resonance and proximity with the universe!