children naturally develop the habit of buzzing like a bee as a kind of self-healing, relaxation, and stress relief..
the practice of toning (the vocalization of lengthy and prolonged vowel sounds) in buzzing like a bee helps one find inner peace and harmony..
no matter where you travel throughout the globe, you can hear people buzzing like a bee, irrespective of their culture..
as with breathing, we don’t ask ourselves why we buzz.. we buzz because it is as indispensable to us as breathing..
while buzzing like a bee may be one of our most natural skills, many people are unaware that they have this ability..
using buzzing like a bee as a vehicle for healing and change is possible when you practice it consciously..
simple to do, buzzing like a bee may reduce blood pressure and pulse rate and stimulate the production of essential hormones like melatonin and nitric oxide..
buzzing like a bee has several health benefits..
in addition to improving our overall fitness, scientific findings of buzzing like a bee have empirically shown that it also enhances our enjoyment of and contentment with life and overall wellness and mental freedom..
intense buzzing like a bee for one hour daily was found to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days: a case report and hypothesis for action by stimulating endogenous nasal nitric oxide production (eby ga, med hypotheses.. 2006; 66(4):851-4)..
buzzing like a bee also significantly increases nasal nitric oxide and thus may help in many respiratory disorders..
from a research paper by eddie weitzberg, jon o n lundberg:
the paranasal sinuses are major producers of nitric oxide (no).. we hypothesized that oscillating airflow produced by buzzing like a bee would enhance sinus ventilation and increase nasal nitric oxide levels.. ten healthy subjects took part in the study.. nasal nitric oxide was measured with a chemiluminescence technique during buzzing like a bee and quiet single-breath exhalations at a fixed flow rate.. nitric oxide increased 15-fold during buzzing like a bee compared with quiet exhalation..
when we’re worried or upset, it’s hard to fall asleep.. we just can’t sleep because our brain is full and racing with so many ideas..
practicing buzzing like a bee at that time not only stops those disturbing thoughts right in their tracks but makes them miraculously disappear in an instant..
it calms our mind and relaxes our body, awarding us deep sleep instantly.. you can try it and see for yourself; you will start yawning right away when you start buzzing like a bee..
so to self-heal, one must buzz..
a buzzing like a bee sound has a calming effect on our thoughts and emotions..
you can try experimenting with buzzing like a bee for a more restful night’s sleep and you will never be disappointed..
many of us are aware that our emotions alter our breathing patterns.. but very few people realize that by modifying our breathing via buzzing like a bee, we may influence our thought frequencies and tune our mind reducing anxiety and depression and inducing heightened mindfulness and focus..
producing a buzzing like a bee sound from our throat but visualizing like it is coming from our nose is found to help us let go of our negative feelings, anger, agitation, frustration, anxiety, fear, depression, insomnia, self-pity, pent up emotions, harmful thoughts of self-harm, unnecessarily worrying about what others think of us, etc.., etc.. in this way, buzzing like a bee induces total freshness and delight..
buzzing like a bee is a simple technique with astounding advantages.. anyone may practice it anywhere at any time, even as part of their daily routine before sleeping..
those who are pregnant or menstruating, those with ear infections or ear-irritations, those who experience frequent chest pains, those with high blood pressure, and those prone to epilepsy may practice buzzing like a bee carefully with very special attention to any discomfort they may feel..
anxiety, rage, and stress are all eased, and hypertension is reduced by buzzing like a bee..
migraines may also be alleviated by the long-term practice of buzzing like a bee..
buzzing like a bee improves executive skills, including visualization, memory, focus, self-confidence, and analytical thinking..
buzzing like a bee is the finest way to deal with anxiety..
self-healing occurs as a consequence of the new-found serenity attained by buzzing like a bee..
buzzing like a bee helps in preventing hypertension by lowering our blood pressure..
buzzing like a bee can be practiced in the night for improved sleep since it relieves our cerebral strain..
buzzing like a bee calms the mind and body..
by activating the pineal and pituitary glands, buzzing like a bee aids in the appropriate functioning of these two glands..
anger may also be reduced by the practice of buzzing like a bee..
buzzing like a bee helps in avoiding blockages in the heart..
buzzing like a bee promotes restful sleep..
this unconscious extension of our breath which occus during buzzing like a bee is our very life force.. it instantly infuses our mind and body with razor-sharp, close-up, intimate, and extremely relaxing visualizations and vital energy..
through the regular practice of buzzing like a bee, our body, brain, mind, and consciousness become inextricably intertwined..
meditation is derived from the latin word “meditari,” which means “to contemplate, ponder, or reflect..”
the buzzing like a bee we self-produce is fundamental to life since it is synonymous with intense and soothing external and internal visualization, imagination, and meditation..
buzzing like a bee is different from other breathing techniques since, in buzzing like a bee, the acoustic vibration is produced by vibrating the entire brain and head..
our whole-brain vibrates when we buzz..
our hypothalamus, which has the power to direct our pituitary gland, receives vibratory signals from our cerebral cortex as it vibrates due to our buzzing like a bee..
and it is our hypothalamus that delivers signals to our parasympathetic nervous system.. so buzzing like a bee dramatically helps to achieve a harmonic and coordinated neuroendocrine system..
as a result of this grounding of our parasympathetic nervous system, our body and mind become instantly calm and collected..
thus, buzzing like a bee is very effective in mollifying us and thus revealing delightful and soothing sights both without and within
when we open our eyes after buzzing like a bee, we feel much more relaxed, awake, aware, and mindful of our surroundings with a constant background blissful current of peace and beauty..
you can try out buzzing like a bee yourself if you don’t believe me.. you have nothing to lose.. you will only gain without any pain..